Refer to the following materials for registration:
(Revised parts will be written in red. Please make sure to check the latest information.) (blank line.)INDEX
1. Course Registration Procedures
2. Timetables
3. Syllabus
4. Liberal Arts and Sciences Course Guide (Students' Guide)
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1. Course Registration Procedures (Course Registration Period / How to Register, etc.)
Please make sure to read the following procedures before registering courses.
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2. Timetable
< Spring AY2024 >
Timetable B *Updated on June 5
< Fall AY2024 (reference) >
Timetable B ___ *Updated on June 24
※ Classrooms are listed on Timetable B.
※ The Fall semester timetables are for reference only. Since they may change before the fall semester starts, make sure to check the latest information updated in September, 2024.
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3. Syllabus
Syllabus can be accessed through NU portal
Student affairs → Course registration and grading → Syllabus → Search Syllabus
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4. Students' Guide (Course Guide, Graduation Requirements, etc.)
Please make sure to read Liberal Arts and Sciences Course Guide for G30 Students of your enrollment year. It provides important information such as graduation requirements for each school etc.
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